In season and out of season

In Season and Out of Season, 2009

Ichinomiya Church kicked off 2009 with an inspiring message. Ps Masami encouraged the church to preach the Word, in season and out of season, and to be the focal point of influence in our neighbourhood. The bible reference is found in 2 Timothy 4:2.

1 Jan in Japan is similar to our Chinese New Year. 99% of the Japanese will go to the thousands of shrines all over Japan to pray for blessings for the year. The remaining 1% attend church service like us this morning. Then, they will return home to wait for relatives to visit or they'll visit their grandparents.

Masami sensei told us that 2009 commemorates the 150th Anniversary of the Protestants in Japan. He went on to explain how our town got its name, Owari-Ichinomiya. The west side of Aichi Prefecture is named as Owari. Years ago, the people built the first shrine at the centre of Owari and then they built their houses around this shrine. "Ichi-no-miya" literally means "the first shrine". Thus the name, Owari-Ichinomiya.

He continued to tell us that evangelism is not only the call for the pastors, all believers have the same calling to share the gospel. We should also be the centre and focal point in our neighbourhood, bringing and inviting our neighbours and friends to church. Then he gave 2 examples of how the English Conversation class in our church has done that. First, the mayor's wife from our neighbouring town attends my class and also listen to the 10mins bible study conducted by my pastor's wife thereafter. Next, the owner of the very famous Buddhist store joined us for Christmas Candlelight Service because his wife is a student. Actually, she is also my Nihongo teacher. Hehehe... He commented that both of these examples were rare. My heart was moved when I heard this. I felt honored that God has allowed me to play a part in making a difference in this church. All glory to Him!

I sensed God speaking to me this morning through His word. Even though I may be coming home to Singapore this year, the work I'm doing has not completed. I mean, I must always be prepared to "preach the Word, in season and out of season". Being in the missions field or back in my homeland doesn't determine my readiness to share the gospel. This really knocks the idea of 'rest' out from my mind. Hahahahahah....

"In season and out of season" also means whether I'm in good or bad times. This is also another challenge for me. Returning home at this time when the economy is bad can be quite a concern. My faithful translator, Asami-san expressed his concern for me this morning. He's like a father to me. He is worried that I won't be able to go for any interviews since I'm still in Japan now. So I told him that even though I have a teeny wee bit of worry, I'm also confident that God will take care of me. If the Lord wants me to go home, He'll settle everything for me, job and all. My heart is at peace now, not fretful at all.

2009 seems to be another year of excitment for me, full of unknowns and uncertainties. I'll take it one step at a time, smelling the flowers along the way and admiring the beautiful scenery ahead of me.

Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimashita, aka, Happy New Year!
