
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9
Dreams. We all have dreams. Dreams are something we cling on to to carry on living.
Currently, a very popular Korean drama series have drawn girls and women glued to the television box every night for an hour. Those who couldn't wait for the daily dosage have dashed to rental shops in hope to grab the last box but have gone away disappointed as it's been borrowed out. No choice. Now they need to BUY it!
Wahaahah.... Which group do I belong to? Hehe..
Anyway, you may wonder, what's the craze all about? Other than the two handsome princes, is there any other value in the show? Hmm... I'm not sure if these fans or viewers notice one of the themes but I did. It's the theme on having a dream. The handsome crown prince does not have a dream until he met his wife. He realized that no one has ever asked him what his dream was until his wife asked him. Everyone simply presumed that he'd be the future king and treat him so. Thus his life seemed meaningless. But when he discovered what his dream was, he began to hope and dream bigger dreams.
Now, am I promoting this drama? Hehe... of coz not lah.
I have dreams, just like you. God knows our dreams too. The bible says, "In his heart a man plans his course..." When I was young, I wanted to become a teacher. Wahaha...yah..I mean, really young. There are a few teachers I truly admired too. As I grew older, I decided to become a psychologist. When I realized I didn't have the means to go overseas to pursue this degree, I thought being a social worker is not a bad idea too. Hehe.. So I "(planned my) course". I studied hard and finished my A levels. At one of my most critical crossroads in life, God sent one of my most respected person in my life to give me a telephone call.
"...but the Lord determines his steps." God was going to determine my step with this phone call.
Tadah! I became a teacher. Yes. My dream then was to prepare and equip myself so that I could tentmake as a teacher to wherever God calls me to. It still is. My heartcry was and is, like Isaiah the prophet, "Here am I , sent me." I know many interpret this verse to be a full time calling. I also thought so. But now, I feel that it simply means that Isaiah has made himself available and he is willing to be used by God to be sent anywhere God so desires. Availability and willingness. This I have. I believe all of us have this too. Now, as I continue to plan my course, I am not fearful that I will walk out of His will because I allow and want God to determine my steps.
In the coming weeks, thousands of young people will be taking the O and A levels. I'm sure these youths have dreams. Maybe dreams bigger and greater than mine. But I believe that if they have Jesus in their hearts, their dreams will be held tenderly in His hands. These dreams will not be crushed or destroyed by results which may seem disappointing as God is in control and He is our dream maker. The Lord will determine our steps so that we can fulifil our dream and ultimately, our destiny...as long as our sole desire is to please Him and glorify His name.
God will not fail us coz His name is Faithful.
All glory be to God!
