Break, My Heart, Break

A prayer was made

By a little ambassador last month,

Dispatched from heaven to earth.

“Break my heart for what break Yours.

Reveal to me the deep secrets of Your heart.

Show me Your blueprint strategy for Japan.”

I began to see

With eyes not my own.

I began to hear

With ears not my own.

I began to feel

With a heart not my own.

Why are the people around me looking so sad?

Why are the people around me feeling so empty?

Why are the people around me working so hard?

“They are searching for Me,”

Whispered the Heavenly Father.

Why are there wars and terrorism?

Why are innocent hostages dying without reason?

Why are there betrayal and backstabbing?

“I am Fair and Just. Vengeance is Mine! ”

Declared the King of kings.

Why did the bridge collapse and kill many?

Why did the flood take lives of the innocent?

Why did the earthquake swallow the people?

“Have you told them my love story for them?”

Smiled my Saviour.
