Yesterday morning, during my musing on the book of Jeremiah, this thought plopped into my mind. When we get to heaven and worship God, we will definitely be worshipping God, right? In what language? Will English be the heavenly language just as it’s the international language here on planet Earth? Hahahah..
Of coz not lah! The Bible says that people from all people groups, tribes and nations will bow down to worship God. Just imagine all the different people coming from all parts of the world, worshipping God in their own languages! Oh... Cool! What an awesome sight! I think it’s definitely music to God’s ears too.
Since I came here, I’ve been searching for and listening to English and Chinese worship songs. When the churches here sing a song in Nihongo which is translated from an English song, naturally, I’d sing it in English. There came a point when I decided to learn these songs in Nihongo. Now, I’m learning a few original Japanese songs. Nope. Not the hymns. I can only remember most of the first verse of the hymns we sang at Faith. HAhaha...
So yesterday, I was just thinking, Wow! If I learn more languages, I’ll be able to understand a few more people when I get to heaven, right? Wahahaha..I mean, we may just stand or sit or kneel or in whatever position worshipping in heaven. But, we may get to communicate with some of them when we have a break or rest right? Wahahha...Then how? Use English? Whahaahah.... Of coz I can use Chinese and Cantonese too. Maybe Hokkien lah. Just maybe.. A few vocabulary in Cebuano, maybe, whaahaha..and NOW, Nihongo!! Wahahhaha...
And I’ll be able to understand what some of these people are saying and singing too. Oh…I want to learn more languages now. Maybe Korean, coz it’s very similar to Japanese in grammar and Chinese in intonation. Wahahahaha...
Yes! I know I’m silly and this entry is rather silly too. Wahaahah...
Well, I’m born silly and I think I’ll die a silly old lady too. Wahahaahah..
Since you love my God, the One who made me, love me too, okie? Hehe =]
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