Since last Sunday, I’ve attended 4 services in a row. The morning English service at Nagoya Assembly of God Church, the Japanese service at my home
To sum up the gist of the messages, the main message for 2008 is “Not to limit God with my human mind, and thus expect Him to do even greater things for me and through me”.
I must admit that some fears crept into my little brain and heart as the year came to an end last year. I felt the foreboding sense of decision making is fast approaching me. I knew I had to decide again whether I would extend yet another year in
Now, I’m ready to close the chapter of 2007 and open a new chapter of my life story.
Chapter 2007 has been filled with pages of unknown and uncertainty, pages of frustration, pages of loneliness, pages of tears and fears, and pages of insecurity. Yet, at the same time, this same chapter also contained pages of joy and victory, pages of perseverance, pages of laughter and fun, pages of excitement, and pages of learning new things. The theme of this chapter is God’s faithfulness and His unfailing love and mercy.
Now, I’m ready to close chapter 2007 and open chapter 2008 because God is the author of this book. He writes my life story and He is omnipresent throughout my life. There will be more unknowns and decisions I have to make in 2008 but I know I am never alone. This author who writes my book happens to hold my hand as well. I don’t know about tomorrow but I know who holds my hand. =)
See you in Feb, fellow friends in Singapore. Heheh...
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