Ichigo (Strawberry) Picking cum BBQ

Today, a group of us from church went ichigo picking. January is supposedly the best time for harvesting strawberries. Initially, it was an outing for young adults. In the end, even the married and the families joined us! Haha..

We paid 1500 yen for 30mins of eating as much strawberries as we could. At first, I thought 30 mins was too short. But.....in the end....it's really tooo much....Wahahahaah... We were given a little plastic bag and a little cup of diluted condensed milk. We were supposed to dip the berry into the milk, eat it and throw the stalk into the plastic bag. Yum yum!

Next, we had BBQ for lunch. Yummy! The weather was so cold but the food was piping hot! Oiishi-gata!

Big or small? That's not the point! Both are sweet! HEhehe....
Dipping strawberry into condensed milk is refreshing.

Hori and I


Hori, Takao, Naoto, Hiromi

Yoshiko, Midori, Ps Yamaguchi, Sato, Yoshiko's husband

Families with kids
Group photo 1
Group photo 2

Ooohhh... I love the Pacific Ocean
