Checking in ... 2015

I'm glad I can "resurrect" this blog again. Haha... I've been wanting to do it several times but simply couldn't bring myself to pen down my thoughts in a blog after using Facebook. Now, because of Romans class, I have to journal my reflections here and I believe this will motivate me to write more in the future.

For my classmates from Romans, if you're interested to read about my life as a missionary in Japan, it's all here. This blog was started after I first quit MOE in 2006 as a full time teacher. It records my journey of faith with God from how I adjusted to a completely new environment to how I made new friends. I left Japan in March 2009. For a while, I recorded some of my thoughts and reflections. I wrote quite a few poems from 2006 to 2009 too. Looking back, I was struggling with re-entry back into my country for a year. Then, I was too busy updating my Facebook. LOL

For those curious cats, I've not stopped visiting my Japanese church in Ichinomiya, Nagoya. Each time I visit time, I'll spend most of my time edifying and encouraging the fellow church members, pastors and ex-students who are pre-believers. Ya.... Ichinomiya is my second home and the pastors whom I've lived with for 2yrs are my family. =)

Well, it's time to pen down my next journey. It'll be another exciting adventure with my Maker, my heavenly Father who loves me and knows me best! Hmm.... I think I'll write about how God called me into full-time ministry in due time. Stay tune!
